
The second face out of a little series I'm doing. I think the third might be the last

Veggie Exercise

One of my proffessors assigned us an exercise to turn this fugly looking thing into something aesthetically pleasing. Beside needing to include all the important information, we were free to do whatever we wanted. Here's what I came up with.

Sea Serpent - Self Promo Project

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted any school work. This was my final assignment for my pre-press class last semester.
It's a bit late, but better late than never, right?

The assignment was to create a self-promotional piece and its shipping container. The idea behind this was that the box needed to pass anyone filtering out mail; so that my project would actually reach who it was intended for, like an executive for a design firm, for example.

I chose to make a box designed after a sea serpent character I made up. The cover of the box is made up of two sheets of card stock that were mounted together. They were then scored, cut, and glued into a box shape.

To keep the box shut, I made a band that also doubled as the serpent's open mouth. When the band is slipped off, a different mouth is revealed underneath.

The bottom of the box was composed in a similar manner, however, it was reinforced with measured slabs of foam core (this was the hardest part of the project). The outcome is a sturdy box, but probably not sturdy enough to ship without getting banged up.

Snug inside the box is an introductory pamphlet, along with another serpent. The picture below also shows the other side of the cover of the box.

The smaller serpent acts as a sort of picture frame for my business card.

One side of my card has my information, the other side completes the serpent's mouth.

My thought process behind this was to get the receiver to keep the serpent on their desk, whether they displayed my name or not. Regardless, they'd subconsciously think of me each time they saw it. Right? Haha

The pamphlet unfolds to show a quick explanation of my box and it's contents.

The bottom has a RQ code that scans to my website keithrodri.com. But that's is still under construction.

the box with all it's contents 

Thanks for looking


This was a work in progress for around a year now. I finally stumbled upon it recently and decided to stray from my initial idea by adding more vibrant colors and rendering it in a more painterly style. I like the outcome, and I'm considering making a series out of these. 

SwankCakes Booklet

A booklet made for prepress class: Assignment was to design an 8 page booklet for a faux bakery or coffee store. I created a cupcake shoppe named SwankCakes. I went for a clean and modern design. Photos and graphics are by me. Type is filler. Anti-aliasing is poor due to reduction in size.

Swan Lake

A quick poster I made for class for Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake